We evaluated the effect of serum on the in vitro activities of 11 antimicrobial agents against gram-negative isolates obtained from 100 patients with nosocomial bacteremia. The test organisms included 25 strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and 75 strains of the family Enterobacteriaceae. MICs were determined by broth microdilution with Mueller-Hinton broth alone or supplemented with 25 or 50% pooled, heat-inactivated human serum (25S or 50S, respectively). Among the antibiotics evaluated, the protein binding ranged from 9 to 95%. The antibiotics tested and their MICs for 90% of the strains tested in 50S included ciprofloxacin (0.12 ,Lg/mi), ceftazidime (1 ,ug/ml), imipenem (1 ,ug/ml), aztreonam (4 ,ug/ml), cefpirome (4 ,ug/ml), cefotaxime (16 ,ug/ml), cefoperazone (16 ,Lg/ml), desacetylcefotaxime plus cefotaxime (32 ,ug/ml), ceftriaxone (>32 tig/ml), ticarcillin (128 ,ug/ml), and desacetylcefotaxime (>128 ,ug/ml). MICs for 90% of the strains tested were calculated with 95% confidence intervals to show the precision of the MICs for these strains. With the exceptions of ceftriaxone (>95% protein bound) and cefoperazone (90% protein bound), serum had no significant effect on the in vitro activities of various agents. A fourfold-or-greater increase in the MIC of ceftriaxone was observed in 45 of 100 isolates with 50S and in 30 of 100 isolates with 25S. With cefoperazone, 17 of 100 isolates demonstrated more than 2 twofold dilution increases in 50S. Testing of antibiotics which were less protein bound illustrated minor effects primarily with members of the Enterobacteriaceae. The presence of serum did not adversely affect the in vitro activities of broad-spectrum agents against these nosocomial isolates.A reversible, noncovalent binding of antimicrobial agents to human proteins has been described for penicillins (4) and cephalosporins (4-6). For the former, increases in MICs were noted in the presence of serum or albumin when tested against both Staphylococcus and Streptococcus species (4). Similar studies using ceforanide (98% protein bound) showed a protein-binding effect compared with less proteinbound antibiotics (2). More recently, Jones and Barry demonstrated a protein-binding effect with a broad-spectrum cephalosporin, ceftriaxone, on the MICs for Staphylococcus aureus and selected gram-negative isolates, in which an increase in the MICs resulted in significant susceptibility category changes (5). With the addition of serum, antibiotic resistance increased in 53% of 34 gram-negative strains tested against ceftriaxone (5). In contrast, Leggett and Craig demonstrated that the MICs of highly protein-bound antibiotics, such as ceftriaxone (95% protein bound) and cefoperazone (90% protein bound), were enhanced in a linear fashion in the presence of increasing concentrations of serum when tested against Pseudomonas species (6). Minor effects with less protein-bound antibiotics, such as moxalactam (64% protein bound) and ceftizoxime (30% protein bound), were seen. Some newer cephalosporins with similar spectra and vari...