IntroductionHerbs are nature's gift to mankind and herbal renaissance is blooming across the world. Medicinal plants have proved to be of utmost importance to the human race.1 With its base in medicinal plants and its origins in ancient Indian history, Ayurveda is recognised as one of the major systems of alternative medicine. Today, after a century has elapsed, we have come to realize the limitations of the allopathic system of medicine hence scientists have started concentrating on drugs of plant origin again.2 In this study, the juice of onion was used to give Bhavana to coffee powder. A unique process used in Ayurveda is the process known as "Bhavana" (Impregnation/ Trituration). In this process, a drug or mixture of drugs in powdered form is triturated with a liquid extract of appropriate herb. The wet extract is dried and the process is repeated several times. This process mixes the drugs completely, breaks the complicated chemical molecules into easily absorbable simpler ones thus augmenting the potency of medicines to many folds.3 Besides processing of the drug the duration of administration of the drug is of great importance in Ayurvedic Therapy. It is claimed in Ayurveda that drug produces effect on repeated administration rather than acute administration.The objective of the present study was the evaluation of the principals involved in Ayurvedic processing as well as the duration of administration on its effects. Nasal therapy, also called "NASYA KARMA", has been recognized form of treatment in the Ayurvedic system of medicine. Nasyas are advised to the people suffering from diseases of the head and other organs situated above the shoulder. 4 The plant used in this study is Allium cepa Linn, commonly known as onion belonging to the family Liliaceae. The bulbs are useful in haemorroids, dysentery, flatulence, dyspepsia, bronchitis, ophthalmia, vomiting, otalgia, pharyngodynia, malarial fever, lumbago, epilepsy, tumours, wounds, paralysis, arthralgia, leucoderma, asthma and skin diseases. antihyperlipidemic. 11 Coffee powder is obtained from the roasted beans of Coffea Arabica plant. The main effect is CNS stimulation and diuretic action due to the presence of caffeine which is the major pharmacologically active purine present in coffee. The seeds of coffee are bitter, stimulant, diuretic, antipyretic and aromatic. It stimulates the flow of digestive juices and intestinal peristalsis.12 A literature review has revealed that no comparative study till now has been performed on the Allium cepa Linn along with powdered coffee prepared by the process of Bhavana.
Materials and methods
AnimalsFemale adult Wistar Albino rats weighing of 300-350gm, obtained from the animal house of Department of Pharmacology, Goa College of Pharmacy were used for this study. The animals were housed in polypropylene cages in groups and maintained under standard conditions (temperature 25±2°C, relative humidity 55±10% and
AbstractObjective: To evaluate and compare the effects of Allium cepa Linn. bulb and coffee with Bhavana tre...