Many human diseases arise from or have pathogenic contributions from a
dysregulated immune response. One pathway with immunomodulatory ability is the
tryptophan metabolism pathway, which promotes immune suppression via the enzyme
indoleamine 2,3 dioxygenase (IDO) and subsequent production of kynurenine. However, in
chronic inflammatory skin disease such as psoriasis and atopic dermatitis, another
tryptophan metabolism enzyme downstream of IDO, L-kynureninase (KYNU), is heavily
upregulated. The role of KYNU has not been explored in these skin diseases, or in
general human immunology.
To explore the expression and potential immunological function of the
tryptophan metabolism enzyme, L-kynureninase, in inflammatory skin disease and its
potential contribution to general human immunology.
Psoriatic skin biopsies, as well as normal human skin, blood, and primary cells
were used to investigate the immunological role of KYNU and tryptophan metabolites.
Here we show that KYNU+ cells, predominantly of myeloid origin,
infiltrate psoriatic lesional skin. KYNU expression positively correlates with disease
severity and inflammation, and is reduced upon successful treatment of psoriasis or
atopic dermatitis. Tryptophan metabolites downstream of KYNU upregulate several
cytokines, chemokines, and cell adhesions. By mining data on several human diseases, we
found that in cancers, IDO is preferentially upregulated compared to KYNU, whereas in
inflammatory diseases such as atopic dermatitis, KYNU is preferentially upregulated
compared to IDO.
Our results suggest that tryptophan metabolism may dichotomously modulate
immune responses, with KYNU as a switch between immunosuppressive versus inflammatory
outcomes. Although tryptophan metabolism is increased in many human diseases,
how tryptophan metabolism is proceeding may qualitatively affect the
immune response in that disease.