In different aspects of life, plants form a vast field of uses such as furniture, ornaments, decoration, stationary, buildings and others. Among those uses of plants are the medical ones because of the vast varieties of plant types, the low cost and the wide range of safety when use them. Mallow family includes small trees diversity of different parts like herbs, shrubs and flowering plants. Considering the chemical structure, it confines huge range of compounds like vitamins, alkaloids, saponin glycosides, proteins, carbohydrates, flavonoids and others. Because the Abutilon indicum has reported to have analgesic, antioxidant, laxative, anthelmintic and diuretic properties, it was chosen to be the topic of study in this review. Of these mentioned compounds saponin comes on priority and it was extracted from different plants beside abutilon such as sugar beet, soymilk, strawberry, plum and chickpea. The defense system of plants bases on saponin as it forms the attack line against pathogens. Saponin can be found in percentage about 30% in the leaves of Abutilon indium and it is seen to have cholesterol and glucose lowering properties beside antitumor ones. The study about the pharmacological properties of A. Indicum in Iraq area was recommended by the author to establish its effects against chronic diseases depending different doses in experimental animals.