“…NEP-5FU and EP-5FU were treated with 5-FU, and NEP-CIS and EP-CIS were treated with CIS. Each animal received two intraperitoneal injections of either PSS (Equiplex Indústria Farmacêutica, Aparecida de Goiânia, GO, Brazil), 5-FU (Fluorouracila, 250 mg/10 mL, Eurofarma Laboratórios, São Paulo, SP, Brazil) or CIS (Fauldcispla, 10 mg/10 ml, Libbs Farmacêutica, São Paulo, SP, Brazil) at day 0 (5-FU, 60 mg/Kg; CIS, 5 mg/Kg) and day 2 (48 h later) (5-FU, 40 mg/Kg; CIS, 2,5 mg/Kg), in accordance with Gusman et al (2018) [15]. At day 0, after general anesthesia (cloridrato de cetamina − 70 mg/Kg [Syntec, Santana de Parnaíba, SP, Brazil], cloridrato de xilazina − 6 mg/Kg [Syntec, Santana de Parnaíba, SP, Brazil], intramuscular injection), a #24 (Corrente Algodão n°24, Coats Corrente, São Paulo, SP, Brazil) cotton thread was placed around both lower rst molars to induce EP in groups EP-PSS, EP-5FU and EP-CIS [17,18].…”