ABSTRACT. Attachment and migration of bovine chondrocytes cultured in vitro were significantly suppressed by the addition of interleukin (IL)-1α at the concentration of 1 ng/ml or more (p<0.05). The application of hyaluronic acid (HA) at the concentration of 10 ”g/ml or more significantly recovered the attachment of chondrocytes (p<0.05) and the application of HA at 100 ”g/ml concentration recovered the migration of chondrocytes suppressed by IL-1α. These results suggest that the application of HA for inflammatory arthropathies or chondrocyte transplantation might be helpful to preserve the properties of chondrocytes and its extracellular matrix against inf lammatory conditions. KEY WORDS: bovine chondrocyte, hyaluronic acid, interleukin-1α.J. Vet. Med. Sci. 65(3): 427-430, 2003 Articular cartilage in adult animals is an avascular, aneural and alymphatic tissue [19,23]. Damaged articular cartilage has usually a very limited potential for repair, and degraded cartilage metabolites induce synovitis and further degeneration of the articular surface. Over the last decade, autologous chondrocyte implantation has been reported to be an ideal method to accelerate the regeneration of damaged cartilage and reestablish the articular surface with hyaline cartilage [6,7,9]. Chondrocytes have abilities to attach to and migrate into extracellular matrix (ECM) constructed with fibronectin, chondronectin, and type I and II collagens [14,22]. A number of studies have suggested that migration, attachment and proliferation of chondrocytes or chondrogenic cells in the damaged area play an important role to enhance the regeneration of cartilage [20,25]. These abilities of chondrocytes are however suppressed by nitric oxide (NO) which is induced by inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-1 and tumor necrosis factor [8].Hyaluronic acid (HA), a linear polydisaccharide and nonsulfated glycosaminoglycans (GAG), is found in the extracellular and the pericellular matrix of many tissues and synovial fluid [13]. In the joint, HA is also the nucleus of the proteoglycan aggregates in the ECM of articular cartilage and lubricates the articular surface as a synovial component. In vitro studies revealed that HA enhances chondrocyte proliferation and GAG synthesis and inhibits cartilage degradation [11,17].The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of HA on chondrocytes attachment to and migration into ECM under IL-1α supplementation in bovine articular chondrocytes in vitro.As experimental animals, four clinically healthy cattle were used in this study immediately after death at the local slaughterhouse. Full thickness of articular cartilage was aseptically harvested from the surface of carpal and tarsal joints. The cartilage was washed with sterile physiological saline, containing 50 ”g/ml gentamicin, and then cut into small pieces. Cartilage pieces were digested with 1 mg/ml collagenase (Wako Pure Chemical Co., Osaka, Japan) in Dulbecco's modified Eagle medium (DMEM; Gibco BRL, Grand island, NY, U.S.A.), containing 63.5 ”g...