Essential oils, as natural sprout inhibitor and safe fungicides, are a promising tool and good alternative compounds otherwise synthetic due to their high efficacy, biodegradability, eco-safety and volatile nature. They are consisting of a number of various components, i.e., terpenes, phenols, alcohols, esters, aldehydes and ketones in different composition or combinations. These effective compounds supply excess to prevent sprouting in potatoes and Jerusalem artichoke (JA) and less chance to development of resistance in fungi in JA, strawberry and broccoli with low concentrations. On contrary, high concentration of these oils induce the germination of seeds like broccoli and carob. This chapter explains the practical application of using essential oils as natural antisprouting, inducing quality, preserving fungal diseases, eco-friendly compounds, alternating synthetic chemicals, giving high benefits and easy to apply. The foliar application with essential oils increases the productivity, quality and marketable yield and storability and reduces weight losses and decay. Moreover, the essential oils increase broccoli seed germination, antioxidant content and other phytochemical parameters. The chapter provides a novel anti-sprouting agent for inhibiting growth of processing potato tubers and identification of terpenoids that use to inhibit tuber sprouting as well as application of Chloropropham (CIPC) isopropyl-N-(3-chlorophenyl) carbamate as a conventional chemical inhibitor.