AbstrakBuah Bruguiera gymnorhyza berpotensi sebagai bahan baku pembuatan edible film, karena banyak ditemukan di alam dan memiliki kandungan amilosa dan amilopektin yang cukup tinggi (31,56% dan 26,17%). Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan sifat fisik dan kimia pati buah B. gymnorrhiza serta menentukan sifat fisik edible film yang dihasilkan dengan penambahan gliserol sebagai plasticizer, biopolimer berupa karagenan dan pektin. Pembuatan edible film menggunakan pati komersil dan pati B. gymnorrhiza dari Halmahera Utara. Metode yang dilakukan meliputi karakterisasi tepung pati baik secara mikroskopik dan komposisi kimia, proses pembuatan edible film dengan komposisi kombinasi bahan pati 4%, karagenan 0,4%, 0,5%, 0,6%, pektin 0,4%, 0,5%, 0,6%, gliserol 1%, selanjutnya karakterisasi sifat mekanik dan mikroskopik edible film.
Charactheristic of Lindur Fruit Starch and the Application as Edible FilmAbstract Bruguiera gymnorhiza fruit has potential as raw material for edible film production, because its availability in nature is quite abundant and has a quite high amylose and amylopectin content (31.56% and 26.17%, respectively). The purpose of this study were to determined the physic and chemical characters of B. gymnorrhiza fruit starch and to determined the physic characters of edible film added by glycerol as plasticizer and biopolymers (carrageenan and pectin). The edible film production was conducted by using commercial starch of B. gymnorrhiza fruit and B. gymnorrhiza fruit starch from North Halmahera. The first stage of this study was characterized of lindur starch by microscopic and chemical composition. The second stage is preparation of edible film contained by 4% starch, 0.4%, 0.5%, 0.6% carrageenan, 0.4%, 0.5%, 0.6% pectin, 1% glycerol, subsequently the edible film was characterized by microscopic and mechanic properties. The results showed that the thickness value of edible film ranged between 0.11-0.125 mm, the tensile strength value around 1.469-3.132 Kgf/cm 2 , percent of elongation around 8.38-19.6%, and water vapor transmission rate ranged around 0.0145-0.01775 g/s.m 2 .