We have recently shown by spin probe ESR that synthetic antioxidant potassium β (4 hydroxy 3,5 di tert butylphenyl)propionate (potassium phenosan, PP) can modify the structural state of surface (8 Å) and deep lying (20-22 Å) regions of lipids of plasmatic membranes isolated from mouse liver cells in a wide concentration range (10 ⎯5 ⎯10 -21 M) in vitro [1,2]. Nonlinear bimodal dose-effect dependences were obtained for parameters that characterize the micro viscosity of lipid bilayer (τ c ) in the location region of nitroxyl fragment of 16 doxylstearic acid (С 16 ) probe and for ordering parameter (S) that characterizes the rigidity of surface lipid layers in the location area of 5 doxylstearic acid (С 5 ) probe.It was established that a statistically significant increase in τ c parameter was observed at the PP con centration of 10 -5 -10 -7 and 10 -18 -10 -19 M, while that in S parameter was detected at a concentration of 10 -6 -10 -7 and 10 -13 -10 -15 M. Effect maxima were separated by concentration ranges where PP had no effect on the studied physicochemical characteristics of biomembranes. Thus, we obtained dose depen dences typical of the compounds showing effect at super low doses (SLD) [3,4]. To reveal the mecha nism of action of biologically active compounds (BACs), including PP, at super low doses, it is a signif icant question about the target of this agent, in partic ular, whether PP acts directly to the lipid bilayer or it affects indirectly via proteins and receptors. There fore, the aim of this work is to study the effect of PP in a wide concentration range on the structural state and size of liposomes prepared from lipids extracted from plasmatic membranes (PM) of mouse liver cells.Experiments were carried out in 80 mice of F1(C57BLx. DBA2) line. PP solutions were prepared by serial tenfold dilution of a 10 -3 M stock solution of PP with distilled water followed by shaking with a shaker for 1 min. Plasmatic membranes of mouse liver cells were isolated by centrifugation according to the Loten procedure [5]. The mice were decapitated. Pro tein concentration was determined by the Lowry pro cedure [6]. Parameters that characterize the mem brane structure were calculated from spectra obtained at 293 K on a Bruker 200D ESR spectrometer (Ger many) by the spin probe method [7]; 16 doxylstearic acid (С 16 ) was used as the spin probe to study microvis cosity of deep lying regions of the lipid bilayer (~20 Å). Membrane microviscosity in the region of location of the С 16 probe was assessed from the rotational correla tion times of the probe τ c1 and τ c2 , which were deter mined from the formulas for fast anisotropic rotation of radicals [7]. The absolute values of τ c1 and τ c2 parameters, both in control and after treatment with PP, differed but the relative changes of these values were the same; therefore, the figures show the effects for τ c1 expressed as percentage of control.5 Doxylstearic acid (С 5 ) was used as a spin probe to study the rigidity of surface domains of membrane. The membrane rigidity i...