VAN, and avenanthramide contents. Concentration ranges of three of the avenanthramides were 21 to 62 mg Phenolic compounds in oat (Avena sativa L.) may have healthkg Ϫ1 , which were 10-to 30-fold greater than those of promoting effects on humans due to their antioxidant or other properties. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of cultivar the simple phenolics (FA, CA, PCA, and VAN), which and location on phenolic contents and antioxidant activities of alcohol-ranged from about 1.3 to 2.7 mg kg Ϫ1 . No information is soluble extracts from oat groats. Antioxidant activities (AOA) and available concerning environmental effects on phenolic concentrations of eight phenolic compounds having AOA were meacontents of oat. Genetic and environmental effects on sured in three cultivars grown at seven locations in Wisconsin during AOA of oat extracts have not been reported in the 1998. There were significant differences among cultivars for AOA, literature. The concentrations of tocols, which are concentrations of all of the phenolic compounds measured except known to have AOA, were significantly affected by p-coumaric and ferulic acids, and for total free phenolic contents genotype and location (Peterson and Qureshi 1993).
(FPC). Location significantly affected the concentrations of five ofThe objective of this study was to evaluate the relative the phenolics and total FPC, but did not affect AOA. There were importance of cultivars, locations, and their interaction significant cultivar ϫ location interactions for the concentrations of avenanthramides and for total FPC. The unexpectedly high concentra-Abbreviations: AOA, antioxidant activity; ARL, Arlington; ASH,