.[ 1 ] We investigate the global properties of magnetic reconnection at the dayside terrestrial magnetopause under generic northward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) conditions. In particular,weconsider azero dipole tilt case where the yand zcomponents of the IMF (in GSM coordinates) are equal in magnitude, using three-dimensional resistive magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) simulations to address the following questions: (1) What is the geometry of the dayside Xl ine? (2) How is current density distributed over the magnetopause surface? Using at echnique described by Greene* (1992) to track the magnetic nulls in the system, we identify the dayside Xline as amagnetic separator line, a segment of am agnetic field line which extends across the dayside magnetopause, terminating in the cusps. We demonstrate that the separator line is the intersection of two separatrix surfaces which define volumes containing topologically distinct field lines. Parallel current density,p roportional to the parallel electric field in our resistive MHD simulations, is distributed in ab road, thin sheet which extends across the separator line and terminates in the cusps. Thus separator reconnection at the dayside magnetopause displays features of both antiparallel (near the cusp nulls) and component (near the subsolar separator line) reconnection. We discuss some implications of our results for spacecraft observations of reconnection signatures.Citation: Dorelli, J. C., A. Bhattacharjee, and J. Raeder (2007), Separator reconnection at Earth's dayside magnetopause under generic northward interplanetary magnetic field conditions,