As a complication of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), the neuropsychiatric form may manifest with neurological and psychiatric symptoms. Diagnosing neuropsychiatric SLE can be challenging due to the heterogeneity of this disease manifestation and the possibilities of investigation. This research aims to identify the possible associations between inflammation and thrombotic biomarkers alongside anxiety and/or depression manifestations in SLE patients. A group of 65 outpatients were investigated regarding the levels of depression, anxiety, disability, quality of life and other specific serum biomarkers linked with inflammation or coagulopathies. The results showed severe depression in eight participants, moderate depression in 22 (33.85%), and 26 (40%) subjects with mild depression. Anxiety was more prevalent within 64 participants (98.46%), while a degree of disability was reported by 52 participants (80%). Quality of life evaluated by EQ5D revealed a medium value of 1.57, and EQ5D VAS health medium value was 57.95 and was correlated with anxiety. A strong positive correlation between depression, anxiety and antibodies associated with anti-cardiolipin and anti beta2 glycoprotein I antibodies, lupus anticoagulant, ICAM-1, low C4 a and anti-ribosomal P antibodies were identified. These data results suggest that autoimmune/inflammatory and ischemic/thrombotic pathways could contribute to depression and anxiety as neuropsychiatric SLE manifestations.