RNA-mediated silencing processes play a key role in silencing of transposable elements, especially in the germ line, where piwiinteracting RNAs (piRNAs) are responsible for suppressing transposon mobility and maintaining genome integrity. We previously reported that the genome of Adineta vaga, the first sequenced representative of the phylum Rotifera (class Bdelloidea), is characterized by massive levels of horizontal gene transfer, by unusually low transposon content, and by highly diversified RNA-mediated silencing machinery. Here, we investigate genome-wide distribution of pi-like small RNAs, which in A. vaga are 25-31 nucleotides in length and have a strong 59-uridine bias, while lacking ping-pong amplification signatures. In agreement with expectations, 71% of mapped reads corresponded to annotated transposons, with 93% of these reads being in the antisense orientation. Unexpectedly, a significant fraction of piRNAs originate from predicted coding regions corresponding to genes of putatively foreign origin. The distribution of piRNAs across foreign genes is not biased toward 39-UTRs, instead resembling transposons in uniform distribution pattern throughout the gene body, and in predominantly antisense orientation. We also find that genes with small RNA coverage, including a number of genes of metazoan origin, are characterized by higher occurrence of telomeric repeats in the surrounding genomic regions, and by higher density of transposons in the vicinity, which have the potential to promote antisense transcription. Our findings highlight the complex interplay between RNA-based silencing processes and acquisition of genes at the genome periphery, which can result either in their loss or eventual domestication and integration into the host genome.KEYWORDS piwi-interacting RNAs; horizontal gene transfer; mobile genetic elements; telomeres B DELLOID rotifers are common invertebrate animals a few tenths of a millimeter long, primarily found in fresh water, temporary pools, and other ephemerally aquatic habitats (Ricci and Melone 2000). Class Bdelloidea is classified in four families and 19 genera, with .460 described species (Segers 2007) in which there is no evidence of sex or meiosis in their life cycle, suggesting completely asexual reproduction (Mark Welch et al. 2008;Flot et al. 2013). The class, characterized by their ciliated head and bilateral ovaries, is known to have an ancient origin: bdelloid remains have been identified in 35-to 40-million-year-old amber, and the substantial number of synonymous site substitutions indicates that different bdelloid families have diverged tens of millions of years ago (Poinar and Ricci 1992;Mark Welch et al. 2008). They are able to survive in ephemerally aquatic environments due to their ability to withstand desiccation and subsequently resume reproduction at any stage of their life cycle. Bdelloids can also resist high doses of ionizing radiation, probably as a result of adaptation to their desiccation-prone life style. A dose as high as 500 Gy can cause DN...