Resumen AbstractThe objective was to quantify the prevalence of dual diagnosis and to evaluate the characteristics of these patients from community mental health and substance misuse services in Madrid. The sample consisted of 837 outpatients from Madrid, 208 from mental health services and 629 from substance misuse services. We used the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) and Personality Disorder Questionnaire (PDQ4+) to evaluate disorders from axis I and II. It was considered that 517 (61.8%) patients had dual pathology (current diagnoses of axis I or II disorders and an addictive disorder): 36,1% in mental health services and 70,3% in substance misuse services. There were fewer males amongst the dual patients and it was also found that they had a worse employment situation, along with higher figures of alcohol and cannabis dependence than addicts without dual diagnoses (n=194). When comparing them with patients with mental disorder diagnoses only, excluding substance use disorder (n=126), there were differences in all socio-demographic characteristics analyzed, and dual patients were associated with diagnoses of bipolar disorder, agoraphobia, generalized anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and had more suicide risk and different personality disorders. Thus, dual pathology is higher in patients who are in treatment and have differential characteristics (higher suicide risk, worse employment situation) that suggest greater severity that could be of help in the planning of care resource policies for these patients.Key Words: Drug dependence, dual diagnosis, personality disorders, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders.Se valora la prevalencia y características de los pacientes de patología dual (diagnóstico actual de un trastorno mental y de un trastorno por uso de sustancias (TUS)): en las redes asistenciales de Salud Mental y Drogodependencias de la Comunidad de Madrid. Se consigue una muestra de 837 sujetos (208 de la red de Salud Mental y 629 de la red de Drogodependencias). Se usó la entrevista MINI (Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview) y el cuestionario PDQ4+ (Personality Disorder Questionnaire) para la valoración de los trastornos del eje I y II. Se hallaron 517 (61,8%) pacientes con patología dual (un 36,1% en la red de salud mental y un 70,3% en la red de drogas). Al compararlos con el grupo de sujetos con TUS sin patología dual (n=194), había entre los duales menos varones y peor situación laboral, siendo las drogas más consumidas el alcohol y cannabis. Al compararlos con el grupo de trastornos mentales sin uso de sustancias (n=126), encontramos diferencias en todas las características sociodemográficas analizadas y los casos de patología dual son diagnosticados más frecuentemente como trastorno bipolar, agorafobia, trastorno por ansiedad generalizada, trastorno por estrés postraumático, mayor riesgo de suicidio y distintos trastornos de personalidad. Por lo tanto, la presencia de patología dual es elevada en sujetos en tratamiento y presentan unas características ...