It is commonly perceived that firms do not want to be outsiders to a merger between competitor firms. We instead argue that it is beneficial to be a non-merging rival firm to a large horizontal merger. Using a sample of mergers with expert-identification of relevant rivals and the event-study methodology, we find rivals generally experience positive abnormal returns at the merger announcement date. Further, we find that the stock reaction of rivals to merger events is not sensitive to merger waves; hence, 'future acquisition probability' does not drive the positive abnormal returns of rivals. We then build a conceptual framework that encompasses the impact of merger events on both merging and rival firms in order to provide a schematic to elicit more information on merger type.Keywords: Rivals, Mergers, Acquisitions, Event-Study. * Corresponding author. We wish to thank anonymous referees, Laurence Capron, Sayan Chatterjee, Wilbur Chung, Andrew Delios, Thomas Hutzschenreuter, Aswin van Oijen, and Jo Seldeslachts for helpful comments, discussions and support; participants at the Academy of Management, ACCS and SMS conferences for helpful comments; Claudia Baldermann, Jennifer Rontganger, and Constanze Quade for excellent research assistance. Tomaso Duso gratefully acknowledges financial support from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft through SFB/TR 15.