Epidemiological evidence and experimental data from animal studies strongly support the beneficial effects of isoflavones on human health. 1) Isoflavone aglycones (IFAs) are highly bioactive due to their unimpeded intestinal absorption, unlike their related glycosides, which are not absorbed across enterocytes. Glycosylated isoflavones are converted to aglycones via hydorolysis catalyzed by b-glycosidase, an intestinal enzyme that is also commonly found in microorganisms, plants and some basidiomycete mushrooms. In mammalian systems, soy isoflavones exhibit a number of biological activities, including inhibition of cell proliferation, 2,3) antioxidative effects, 4) and enzyme-inhibitory effects. 5) In addition, dietary soy isoflavonoids have been considered for the treatment and prevention of hormone-dependent diseases.
6)An immunomodulating substance, biological response modifier (BRM), or biotherapy, including immunotherapy fields, is important for the treatment of cancer. Some b-glucans are well-known BRMs; the mushrooms from which they are derived are widely distributed in nature and are used as medicine and food.7) Among the b-glucans, 6-branched 1,3-b-glucan is the most well-characterized. We have analyzed the mechanism of b-glucan-mediated immunopharmacological activity and identified the conformation-dependent and -independent activity. 8,9) Sparassis crispa is a medicinal mushroom that recently became cultivatible in Japan. The primary structure of the major the cold NaOH extracted polysaccharide fraction from S. crispa was found to be 6-branched 1,3-b-glucan, having one branch approximately every third main chain. The fraction showed strong antitumor activity against the solid form of Sarcoma 180 in ICR mice.10) In our recently study, we applied S. crispa to several cancer patients in combination with lymphocyte transplantation immunotherapy and obtained a good response.11) To examine the pharmacological applicability of S. crispa b-glucan, a branched b-glucan from Sparassis crispa (SCG) was purified from the cold NaOH extracted fraction, and showed immunopharmacological activities.
11-17)Numerous attempts have been made by scholars to demonstrate the pharmaceutical effect of soy products. However, there have been few studies on their immunomodulatory effect. Dietary soy phytoestrogens may influence the differentiation, signaling and actions of numerous cells of the immune system, as the receptors have been identified on many cell types, including lymphocytes and antigen presenting cells. In fact, there is growing interest in the host immune function, including aspects related to tumor initiation and growth, in addition to other potential health benefits. We have designed this experiment, which is based on the premise that isoflavone may work as a immunomodulating agent. In a previous study, we reported that both oral and intraperitoneal (i.p.) administration of SCG enhanced the hematopoietic response in CY-induced leukopenic mice from a qualitative as well as quantitative point of view. 12,13) In this...