M. and K0NN0, K. Evidence for Host-Mediated Antitumor Activity in the Treatment o f Experimental Tumor with a Hot Water Extract from BCG. Tohoku J. exp. Med., 1982, 136 (1), 67-74 Studies were undertaken for the evaluation of the mechanism responsible for antitumor effects of hot water extract (HWE) of BCG on murine ascites tumor cells, a) The viability of tumor cells has remained unchanged after incubation of tumor cells in the medium containing HWE. b) There was no difference in survival time between mice which had received tumor cells treated as in (a) and the control mice. c) Silica, carragheenan and cortisone acetate reduced the antitumor effect of HWE in ddY mice and C3H/He mice which had been inoculated with Sarcoma 180 cells or MH134 cells, d) The growth of tumor cells was retarded when they were inoculated subcutaneously together with peritoneal cells from HWE-injected mice. These results indicate the participation of hostmediated antitumor activity when neoplasms were treated with HWE. -aqueous extract from BCG; antitumor activity; silica; carragheenan; hydrocortisone acetate A hot water extract (HWE) from delipidated Mycobacterium bovis, strain BOG, was found to be adjuvant-active and effective in the treatment of ddY mice inoculated intraperitoneally with Sarcoma 180 or Ehrlich carcinoma (Sato et al. 1976(Sato et al. , 1978(Sato et al. , 1979Yokosawa 1978). A slight prolongation of survival time (statistically significant) was observed when syngeneic, ascites hepatoma-bearing 0311/He mice were treated with intraperitoneal injections of HWE (Motomiya et al. 1981).In this study, experiments were undertaken to elucidate the mechanism responsible for the activity of HWE from BOG against tumor cells. The effect of silica, carragheenan and hydrocortisone acetate on antitumor activity of HWE was investigated in mice which had been inoculated intraperitoneally with allogeneic or syngeneic tumor cells.