Using a newly developed microsecond pressure-jump apparatus, we monitor the refolding kinetics of the helix-stabilized five-helix bundle protein λ*YA, the Y22W/Q33Y/G46,48A mutant of λ-repressor fragment 6-85, from 3 μs to 5 ms after a 1,200-bar P-drop. In addition to a microsecond phase, we observe a slower 1.4-ms phase during refolding to the native state. Unlike temperature denaturation, pressure denaturation produces a highly reversible helix-coilrich state. This difference highlights the importance of the denatured initial condition in folding experiments and leads us to assign a compact nonnative helical trap as the reason for slower P-jumpinduced refolding. To complement the experiments, we performed over 50 μs of all-atom molecular dynamics P-drop refolding simulations with four different force fields. Two of the force fields yield compact nonnative states with misplaced α-helix content within a few microseconds of the P-drop. Our overall conclusion from experiment and simulation is that the pressure-denatured state of λ*YA contains mainly residual helix and little β-sheet; following a fast P-drop, at least some λ*YA forms misplaced helical structure within microseconds. We hypothesize that nonnative helix at helix-turn interfaces traps the protein in compact nonnative conformations. These traps delay the folding of at least some of the population for 1.4 ms en route to the native state. Based on molecular dynamics, we predict specific mutations at the helix-turn interfaces that should speed up refolding from the pressure-denatured state, if this hypothesis is correct.downhill folding | fluorescence lifetime | molecular dynamics simulation | thermal denaturation | lambda repressor T emperature and pressure are excellent perturbations when comparing experimental folding kinetics with molecular dynamics (MD) simulations (1). Fast temperature-jumps (T-jumps) and pressure-jumps (P-jumps) are relatively easy to simulate by MD. Typical temperature changes required to cross the protein folding transition are 5-20 K, easily implemented with laser T-jumps (2). Typical pressure changes required to cross the folding transition are 1-5 kbar, previously achieved only with millisecond time resolution (piezo methods are limited to ΔP < 100 bar) (3, 4). We recently reported a P-jump instrument capable of >1-kbar P-drops with ∼1-μs dead time (5).Folded proteins have a larger partial molar volume than pressure-denatured proteins (by about 10 1 -10 2 mL/mol) (6). The fractal dimension of their folded state is less than 3 because voids occur whenever a connected chain made from a finite amino acid alphabet is packed into a compact structure (7,8). Such imperfections in packing, which disappear when small water molecules solvate the polypeptide chain, lead to protein unfolding under pressure (9). Pressure unfolding is a slow process because the positive activation volume is unfavorable at high pressure (10).Here, we study the much faster process of protein refolding at 1 bar and room temperature, starting from the pressure-d...