Multislice computer tomography (MSCT) for the optimisation of transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) and 3-D TEE can evaluate all anatomical aspects of the aortic root. (6)(7)(8) MSCT is particularly attractive for the evaluation of anatomy because it provides the user with a 3-D virtual representation that can be viewed from any angle or cut-plane after acquisition. What follows is a review of the role of MSCT pre-and post-TAVI.
DIAGNOSIS OF SEVERE AORTIC STENOSISThe diagnosis of severe aortic stenosis is typically based on demonstrated that the LVOT is oval shaped, a fact which cannot be appreciated on 2-D echocardiography. (10,12,13,) In 3 separate studies the assumption of circularity of the LVOT was abandoned when using the continuity equation and instead the LVOT area measured on MSCT was used to replace the LVOT diameter from TTE for the calculation of AVA. (14,15,16)