Aortocardiac fistulas are rare, especially if they develop after an aortic valve replacement surgery. We report the case of a 54-year-old male submitted to aortic valve replacement and implantation of an ascending aortic prosthetic graft, complaining of exertional dyspnea, who was found to have significant shunt between the aortic root and right ventricle (RV), and de novo moderate pulmonary hypertension. At the catheterization laboratory, the left-to-right shunt was confirmed (Qp:Qs = 1.9:1). Contrast angiography of the ascending aorta showed a significant flow into the right ventricular cavity, and the fistulous tract was then measured, inflating a Tyshak II balloon of 10 × 20 mm (NuMED, Hopkinton, New York), until achieving a complete interruption of flow. Minimal diameter of the defect was 4.9 mm. Percutaneous closure of the aorto-RV shunt was performed under general anesthesia and transesophageal echocardiogram and fluoroscopic guidance. Using a venous and an arterial femoral access, a 0.035″ hydrophilic guide-wire crossed the defect between the aorta and RV, creating an arteriovenous loop. Then, using a 7F Delivery System 45° (AGA medical corporation, Golden Valley, MN) an Amplatzer Duct Occluder(®) (AGA Medical Corporation) 8/6 mm was advanced and released within the defect, achieving an almost complete closure of the fistulous tract.