Urustambha is a grave condition, in which the patient's thighs become painful, numb and immobile. Urustambha is a disease which is not amenable to panchakarma (five evacuative procedures) treatment. Till date, there is no clear understanding of the concept of Urustambha and its clinical application. This article is aimed to understand the concept of Urustambha and its correlation with relevant modern pathology or disease. Urustambha is a lifestyle disease and it is commonly seen in higher socioeconomic status. Urustambha samprapti resembles with atherogenesis. Diva swapna and raatri jaagarana explained in Urustambha nidaana may indicate obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Clinical presentation of Urustambha may be unilateral or bilateral or both. Charaka's version of Urustambha indicates vascular pathology like "aortoiliac occlusion" with an underlying "metabolic syndrome (MS)," whereas Sushruta's version of Urustambha indicates inflammatory pathology of spinal cord like "acute transverse myelitis" or "inflammatory myelopathy" or "infectious myelitis." Principles of Urustambha are applicable for the prevention and management of the conditions like atherosclerosis, MS, OSA, aortoiliac occlusion, diabetes mellitus, obesity, cardiovascular pathology, acute myelopathy and other ischemic and inflammatory spinal diseases.