Circulatory shock is a life-threatening disease that accounts for around one-third of all admissions to intensive care units (ICU). It requires immediate treatment, which is why the development of tools for planning therapeutic interventions is required to deal with shock in the critical care environment. In this study, the ShockOmics European project original database is used to extract attributes capable of predicting mortality due to shock in the ICU. Missing data imputation techniques and machine learning models were used, followed by feature selection from different data subsets. Selected features were later used to build Bayesian Networks, revealing causal relationships between features and ICU outcome. The main result is a subset of predictive features that includes well-known indicators such as the SOFA and APACHE II scores, but also less commonly considered ones related to cardiovascular function assessed through echocardiograpy or shock treatment with pressors. Importantly, certain selected features are shown to be most predictive at certain time-steps. This means that, as shock progresses, different attributes could be prioritized. Clinical traits obtained at 24h. from ICU admission are shown to accurately predict cardiogenic and septic shock mortality, suggesting that relevant life-saving decisions could be made shortly after ICU admission.1 Shock (or circulatory shock) is a life-threatening medical condition that requires 2 immediate treatment. It is prevalent in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and a major 3 concern in Critical Care in general. This condition occurs when the organs and tissues 4 of the body do not receive enough blood and, as a result, cells see their oxygen and 5 nutrients supply restricted so that organs become damaged. Hypotension, tissue 6 hypoperfusion and hyperlactatemia are amongst the most common symptoms [28]. The 7 outcome of an individual case depends on the stage of shock, the underlying condition 8 and the general medical state of the patient [28]. 9Four types of shock are commonly defined: hypovolaemic shock (e.g. hemorrhagic 10 shock), cardiogenic shock, distributive shock (e.g. septic shock) and obstructive shock. 11 The mortality rate of the condition remains very high and depends on its type. It is 12 quantified at 30% for septic shock (according to the new definition of such condition [29]) 13 and between 35.9% and 64.7% for in-hospital mortality in patients with cardiogenic 14 shock (depending on the stage, [30]). Usually, shock is treated in the ICU, where it is 15 carefully monitored. As a result, large amounts of data are produced for each patient. 16 Machine Learning (ML) techniques can help find a list of attributes to predict the 17 outcome of shock patients from clinical data (i.e. data routinely monitored in the ICU). 18 However, there is a large amount of attributes that characterize each patient, ranging 19 from base pathology information, to lab procedures or hemodynamic data and 20 treatment, to name a few. As a result, data are likely to be very high di...