Low-temperature thermochronology provides information on the timing of rifting and denudation of passive margins, and the Red Sea with its well-exposed, young rift margins is a suitable setting for its application. Here we present new apatite fission-track (AFT) data from Sudan northern hinterland and Red Sea coastal areas. From the former region we obtained ages between 270 ± 2 Ma ad 253 ± 53 Ma, and from the coastal belt between 83 ± 8 Ma and 39 ± 7 Ma. These data prompted a review and comparison with low-temperature thermochronological data from the whole Nubian Red Sea Margin, and a discussion on their implication in assessing the margin evolutionary style. AFT data are available for Egypt and Eritrea as well as apatite (U-Th)/He (AHe) ages for two transects transversal to the margin in Eritrea. Both in Egypt and Eritrea AFT data record a cooling event at about 20-25 Ma (Early Miocene) and an earlier, more local, cooling event in Egypt at about 34 Ma (Early Oligocene). The thermal modeling of the Sudan samples provides an indication of a rapid cooling in Miocene times, but does not support nor rules out an Early Oligocene cooling phase. The re-assessment of new and existing thermochronological data within the known geological framework of the Nubian and conjugate Arabian margins favours the hypothesis that early rifting stages were affecting the whole Gulf of Suez-Red Sea-Gulf of Aden system since the Oligocene. These precocious, more attenuated, phases were followed by major extension in Miocene times.As to the mode of margin evolution, AFT age patterns both in Egypt and Eritrea are incompatible with a downwarp model. The distribution of AHe ages across the Eritrean coastal plain suggests that there the escarpment was evolving predominantly by plateau degradation. 1286 EARTH SURFACE PROCESSES AND LANDFORMS the AFT system before break-up, assuming a normal geothermal gradient of 30°C/km and a mean surface temperature of 20°C, only about 1 km of isostatically driven exhumation is needed for Eritrea, while in Sudan and Egypt additional 1·2 km are requested.The Eritrea margin likely showed an already elevated interior region prior to break-up (Pik et al., 2003;Balestrieri et al., 2005). Thus, no large Miocene syn-break-up tectonic uplift would have been required to bring the rim of the Eritrean margin at its present mean elevation. Figure 7. (a) Time-temperature histories obtained with the HeFTy program (Ketcham, 2005). The dark grey regions bound the envelopes for statistically good fit while the light grey regions represent the acceptable fit. A model is considered good if the goodness-of-fit (GOF) values (Willet, 1997), both for age and length distribution, are greater than 0·50, while it is considered acceptable when they are above 0·05. The thick line is the best fit model. Measured and modeled age and mean track length are reported with the GOF values; they provide a measure of the fit between measured and predicted age and fission-track length distribution. (b) Enlargement showing the last part of the t...