The association of thrombophilia with pregnancy complications has received increasing attention. It is now apparent that thrombophilia is responsible for a large number of the serious complications of pregnancy such as venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, fetal loss, pregnancy loss, intrauterine fetal demise, and preeclampsia. The inherited thrombophilia abnormalities, factor V Leiden mutation, prothrombin gene mutation 20210A, and antithrombin III, protein C, and protein S deficiency, and the acquired disorders, the anticardiolipin syndrome and lupus inhibitor, are responsible for a large share of the incidences of premature termination of pregnancy and many of the above complications. The normal physiology of pregnancy may be prothrombotic, with evidence for increased markers of activated coagulation and coagulation factors. There is a decrease in protein S and resistance to activated protein C occurs in a significant number of pregnancies in the absence of the factor V Leiden mutation. In the following article, we review some of the major studies that have correlated the thrombophilia and other acquired disorders that adversely impact pregnancies.