Regenerative endodontic Procedures provide an unconventional approach which relies on the principle of tissue engineering. Pulp necrosis of immature permanent teeth may impair root development and apical closure of root canals. Completion of root development takes around 3 years after eruption of permanent teeth. Management of immature non vital teeth is very challenging for a clinician because teeth may have wide open apex and thin root canal walls that may diverge towards the apex. Conventional cleaning and shaping of the canals and obturation may not be possible because of the lack of apical stop. Since debridement of pulp canal space is difficult, there is an increased possibility of root perforation and cervical root fracture, besides the presence of an open immature root apex jeopardize the apical seal of a root canal treatment resulting in subsequent failure. The purpose of this report is to present the case of a patient wherein apexification of an immature permanent maxillary left central incisor tooth was induced by the Biodentine (Calcium trisilicate cement) and Metapex paste (Calcium hydroxide and Iodoform).