Manual accounting records have shortcomings in terms of accuracy of recording and slow reporting, as manually entered data has to be recapitulated. In some large companies that have branches of business, the users of technology are no longer strangers, but there are often difficulties in recording temporary cash receipts on their branches. From this background, the author carried out research by designing and building a web-based cash receipt application with PHP and MySQL. The author focused on the cash recording application because this application is allocated to branches of companies that have not implemented the system of financial recording, in this case cash receipts that will later be deposited with the central company because the funds received are temporary. This research helps companies record cash receipts and cash deposits and provide final results in the form of a report of each transaction carried out by the company. Like previous research on cash flow information systems, it suggests that the existence of information systems can help in carrying out financial recording, as well as other research that states that computerized recording is much more effective and efficient and facilitates