HDL is unquestionably a major antiatherogenic factor worldwide, regardless of sex, race, and age ( 1, 2 ). Therefore, an increase in HDL levels has been an important goal that guides the development of novel therapies for atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases ( 3 ) because it was reported that plasma HDL cholesterol (HDL-C) levels were reduced in patients with ischemic heart disease and stroke ( 4, 5 ). Strategies for raising HDL are now available. Because remarkable progress has been made in our understanding of the molecular mechanism of HDL production, enhanced production is one of the major strategies for raising HDL.ABCA1, mutations of which are the genetic cause of Tangier disease and genetic HDL defi ciency, is one of the Abstract The small intestine (SI) is the second-greatest source of HDL in mice. However, the selective evaluation of SI-derived HDL (SI-HDL) has been diffi cult because even the origin of HDL obtained in vivo from the intestinal lymph duct of anesthetized rodents is doubtful. To shed light on this question, we have developed a novel in situ perfusion technique using surgically isolated mouse SI, with which the possible fi ltration of plasma HDL into the SI lymph duct can be prevented. With the developed method, we studied the characteristics of and mechanism for the production and regulation of SI-HDL. Nascent HDL particles were detected in SI lymph perfusates in WT mice, but not in ABCA1 KO mice. SI-HDL had a high protein content and was smaller than plasma HDL. SI-HDL was rich in TG and apo AIV compared with HDL in liver perfusates. SI-HDL was increased by high-fat diets and reduced in apo E KO mice. In conclusion, with our in situ perfusion model that enables the selective evaluation of SI-HDL, we demonstrated that ABCA1 plays an important role in intestinal HDL production, and SI-HDL is small, dense, rich in apo AIV, and regulated by nutritional and genetic factors.