Under water-limited conditions, root growth is often maintained relative to shoot growth. [1][2][3] This response is an adaptive feature that allows plants to continue to access water as the soil dries.
4,5The mechanisms underlying growth maintenance under water stress have been studied extensively in the primary root of maize seedlings (for review see refs. 6,7,8). The length of the root growth zone is approximately 12 mm under well-watered conditions, whereas under water stress, cell elongation is maintained in the apical few mm but is inhibited progressively further from the apex, resulting in a shortened growth zone.9 These responses to water stress involve spatially differential regulation of cellular growth processes, including enhancement and inhibition of cell wall extensibility in the apical and basal regions, respectively.
10Transcriptomic and cell wall proteomic analyses conducted with the different regions of the growth zone revealed primarily region-specific changes in water-stressed compared with wellwatered roots. 11,12 In particular, several transcripts and proteins related to reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, including putative oxalate oxidases, increased in abundance in the apical region and oxalate oxidase activity was shown to increase markedly in the apical few mm.13 Oxalate oxidase activity also increased, although to a lesser extent, beyond approximately 8 mm from the apex (beyond the growth zone). Oxalate oxidases catalyze the conversion of oxalate to CO 2 and hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ), and in cereals are known to be cell wall localized. 14 a previous study of maize primary roots under water stress showed pronounced increases in oxalate oxidase activity and apoplastic hydrogen peroxide in the apical region of the growth zone where cell elongation is maintained. We examined whether increased oxalate oxidase activity in water-stressed roots is conserved across diverse lines of maize and rice. the maize lines exhibited varied patterns of activity, with some lines lacking activity in the apical region. Moreover, none of the rice lines showed activity in the apical region. also, although the genotypic response of root elongation to water stress was variable in both maize and rice, this was not correlated with the pattern of oxalate oxidase activity. implications of these findings for root growth regulation under water stress are discussed.