Multicellularity was one of the most significant innovations in the history of life, but its initial evolution remains poorly understood. Using experimental evolution, we show that key steps in this transition could have occurred quickly. We subjected the unicellular yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae to an environment in which we expected multicellularity to be adaptive. We observed the rapid evolution of clustering genotypes that display a novel multicellular life history characterized by reproduction via multicellular propagules, a juvenile phase, and determinate growth. The multicellular clusters are uniclonal, minimizing within-cluster genetic conflicts of interest. Simple among-cell division of labor rapidly evolved. Early multicellular strains were composed of physiologically similar cells, but these subsequently evolved higher rates of programmed cell death (apoptosis), an adaptation that increases propagule production. These results show that key aspects of multicellular complexity, a subject of central importance to biology, can readily evolve from unicellular eukaryotes.T he evolution of multicellularity was transformative for life on earth (1). In addition to larger size, multicellularity increased biological complexity through the formation of new biological structures. For example, multicellular organisms have evolved sophisticated, higher-level functionality via cooperation among component cells with complementary behaviors (2, 3). However, dissolution and death of multicellular individuals occurs when cooperation breaks down, cancer being a prime example (4). There are multiple mechanisms to help ensure cooperation of component cells in most extant multicellular species (5-8), but the origin and the maintenance of multicellularity are two distinct evolutionary problems. Component cells in a nascent multicellular organism would appear to have frequent opportunities to pursue noncooperative reproductive strategies at a cost to the reproduction of the multicellular individual. How, then, does the transition to multicellularity occur?Understanding the evolution of complex multicellular individuals from unicellular ancestors has been extremely challenging, largely because the first steps in this process occurred in the deep past (>200 million years ago) (9, 10). As a result, transitional forms have been lost to extinction, and little is known about the physiology, ecology, and evolutionary processes of incipient multicellularity (11). Nonetheless, several key steps have been identified for this transition. Because multicellular organisms are composed of multiple cells, the first step in this transition was likely the evolution of genotypes that form simple cellular clusters (1, 3, 12-16). It is not known whether this occurs more readily through aggregation of genetically distinct cells, as in biofilms, or by mother-daughter cell adhesion after division. Once simple clusters have evolved, selection among multicelled clusters must predominate over selection among single cells within clusters (1,15,17,18). T...