The precise molecular basis of retinoid embryopathy is yet unknown.This hypothesis predicts that isotretinoin (13-cis retinoic acid), the prodrug of all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA), exaggerates neural crest cell (NCC) apoptosis via upregulation of the pro-apoptotic transcription factor p53, the guardian of the genome. Increased p53 signalling is associated with Treacher Collins-, CHARGE-and fetal alcohol syndrome, which exhibit dysmorphic craniofacial features resembling retinoid embryopathy. In addition, developmental studies of NCC homeostasis in the zebrafish support the pivotal role of p53. Translational evidence implies that isotretinoin-stimulated overactivation of p53 during embryogenesis represents the molecular basis of isotretinoin′s teratogenicity.
| INTRODUCTIONIsotretinoin, the most effective drug for the treatment of severe acne, is teratogenic. The majority of malformations induced by isotretinoin treatment during pregnancy primarily affect neural crest cells (NCCs) leading to craniofacial dysmorphic features involving cardiac, thymic and central nervous system structures (s1-s6), which have also been observed in pigtail monkeys exposed to ATRA during gestation (s7,s8). During craniofacial development, massive cell death occurs in vertebrates (s9). In the developing nervous system a well-regulated balance of apoptotic signalling ensures appropriate cell differentiation and maturation (s10,s11). Isotretinoin-treated NCCs often became rounded or spindle-shaped, separated from their neighbours, and frequently detached from the substrate or clumped together (s12).Animal studies confirmed that administration of isotretinoin increases apoptosis of NCCs (s13-s15). It has recently been suggested that isotretinoin′s major desired and adverse drug effects including teratogenicity are related to apoptosis such as sebocyte and NCC apoptosis, respectively. [1,2] The prodrug isotretinoin is intracellularly isomerized to ATRA (s16).
| ISOTRETINOIN AND P53-INDUCED APOPTOSISIn sebocytes, increased expression of the pro-apoptotic proteins tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL), TRAIL-receptor 1 (DR4) and insulin-like growth factor-binding pro- has been identified as a target gene of p53 (s28). Thus, isotretinoinmediated upregulation of p53 and PAX-2 may explain the NCC abnormalities reported in isotretinoin exposed macaque embryos. HOX transcription factors, which are also induced by ATRA (s29-s31), play a crucial role in NCC-dependent branchial arch pattering (s32-s35).
Intriguingly, HOX binding sites have been identified on the TP53promoter and compromised HOXA5 function limited p53 expression (s36). Thus, ATRA-induced HOX gene expression may further enhance p53 expression explaining the interplay between ATRA, HOX and p53 in retinoid teratogenicity (Figure 1). NCCs and sebocytes may be especially susceptible to isotretinoin either due to their increased capacity for isomerization to ATRA (s16) or higher ATRA gradients due to decreased CYP26-mediated degradation of ATRA (s37).