Earlier software systems used to be very small in size and were developed and maintained by only few IT experts, but era changed and the requirements of user's started increasing day by day. Due to heterogeneous and dynamic behaviour of current software systems their structure is becoming complex which leads to rapid rise in their cost and complexity, now more IT professionals are required to develop, design and maintain them. If the complexity keeps on increasing in this manner then one day software systems would be unmanageable, very costly, low maintainable, and least reliable. Like biological systems software systems must be designed which will be once developed and deployed to users then these systems will be able adapt and change accordingly according to user's requirements. Can these software systems be developed? The answer to this is yes, autonomic computing based software systems can do the job, many of these systems have already been developed and future waits for software systems to be entirely autonomous. This paper tends to explain autonomic computing, its characteristics and their relation with ISO 9126 quality factors.