Objective: To conduct a literature search on suicide in Colombian adolescents and young adults between 2015– 2020 in the light of nursing analysis. Method: A qualitative, retrospective, cross-sectional documentary review of published articles on suicide in Colombian adolescents and young adults between 2015–2020. A database was built in Excel 2019 with the information collected, the main ideas of the articles were summarized and then the data were grouped by categories. Results: The field of Psychology is the most involved in studies on suicide in Colombia. Therefore, a theoretical gap was found in the field of Nursing. Documents related to protective factors are scarce, compared with the ones on risk factors. Affective ties and support from family and friends are the most important protective factors. With regard to the risk factors related to suicide, family dysfunction and a bad relationship with the family were the most salient. In the articles found, the use of the Positive and Negative Suicide Ideation (PANSI) inventory predominated. Conclusions: The challenge for nursing professionals, as care agents, is to be leaders in addressing suicidal spectrum behaviors, putting into practice the metaparadigm of the discipline, as these concepts assist in detecting changes in the physical and mental health of young people and taking preventive action. The outlook of the health sector must go beyond risk assessment and be directed towards strengthening the positive and protective aspects for young people according to the salutogenic approach.