Knowledge on the nutritional value of feed ingredient is an important step in the formulation of diets in order to maximize animal productivity. Thus a study was conducted to determine the apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) of dry matter (ADCDM), crude protein (ADCCP), gross energy (ADCGE) and amino acids (ADCAA) of conventional feed ingredients for juvenile silver mojarra (13.0 ± 3.23 g). The study was conducted in the laboratory for nutrition and feeding of fish (AQUANUT), using 80 silver mojarra collected in nature, which were kept in digestibility aquaria for a period of 21 days. The following ingredients were evaluated: fish meal, soybean meal, corn meal, corn gluten meal, rice bran, wheat bran and starch, which substituted 30% of a reference pelletized diet with 325.00 g kg crude protein and 3,692 Kcal kg -1 gross energy. Additionally 1.0 g kg -1 chrome oxide was added to each diet as a marker. The excreta were obtained using three repetitions for each tested ingredient, which were dried for further analyses. The soybean meal showed the best ADCDM value (67.45%), followed by the other ingredients. There was no significant difference between the soybean meal (95.16%), fish meal (92.97%) and the corn meal (91.90%) for the best ADCCP coefficients. The ADCGE for soybean meal and maize meal were 65.23% and 60.31%, respectively, followed by fish meal (51.85%). The results demonstrate that silver mojarra can digest animal protein as well as that of vegetal origin. Silver mojarra can also efficiently digest and absorb some of the main amino acids of fish, such as lysine, methionine and threonine, from the same studied ingredients. Key words: Acará-peba. Amino acid. Mariculture. Nutritional value.
ResumoO conhecimento do valor nutritivo de alimentos é um passo importante na formulação de dietas para maximizar a produtividade animal. Foi realizado um estudo para determinar os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente (CDA) da matéria seca (CDAMS), da proteína bruta (CDAPB), da energia bruta (CDAEB) e dos aminoácidos (CDAAA) de ingredientes convencionais para juvenis de carapeba (13 ± 3,23 g). O estudo foi realizado no Laboratório de Nutrição e Alimentação de Peixes (AQUANUT), utilizando 80 exemplares de carapeba, coletados na natureza, que foram mantidos em aquários de digestibilidade no período de 21 dias. Foram avaliados os seguintes ingredientes: farinha de peixe, farelo de soja, fubá de milho, farelo de glúten de milho, farelo de arroz, farelo de trigo e amido, que substituíram 30% de uma dieta referência peletizada com 325,00 g kg -1 de proteína bruta e 3,692 Kcal kg -1 de energia bruta, utilizando 1,0 g kg -1 óxido de cromo como marcador. As excretas foram obtidas utilizando três repetições para cada ingrediente testado, e após a secagem foram realizadas as análises laboratoriais. O farelo de soja apresentou o melhor resultado para o CDAMS (67,45%) seguido pelos demais ingredientes. Para o CDAPB não houve diferença significativa entre o farelo de soja (95,16%), a farinha de peixe (92,97%) e o fub...