DOI: 10.3348/kjr.2010.11.3.295
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Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Value of Diffusion-Weighted Imaging for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Correlation with the Histologic Differentiation and the Expression of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor

Abstract: ObjectiveTo evaluate whether the histopathological differentiation and the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) do show correlation with the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) value on diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI).Materials and MethodsTwenty-seven HCCs from 27 patients who had undergone preoperative liver MRI (1.5T) and surgical resection were retrospectively reviewed. DWI was obtained with a single-shot, echo-planar imaging sequence in the axial plane… Show more

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Cited by 110 publications
(84 citation statements)
References 22 publications
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“…Previous studies that investigated these imaging features tended to have a higher proportion of tumors with intratumoral fat and encapsulation than in our study (36)(37)(38). A few previous studies consistently found that higher signal intensity on diffusion-weighted images was associated with less histologic differentiation, and a possible relationship between ADCs and histologic differentiation and microvascular invasion has been suggested (39)(40)(41)(42). However, in our study, neither histologic differentiation nor signal intensity or ADC on diffusion-weighted images was a significant predictor of early HCC recurrence.…”
Section: Gastrointestinal Imaging: Prediction Of Early Recurrence Ofsupporting
confidence: 56%
“…Previous studies that investigated these imaging features tended to have a higher proportion of tumors with intratumoral fat and encapsulation than in our study (36)(37)(38). A few previous studies consistently found that higher signal intensity on diffusion-weighted images was associated with less histologic differentiation, and a possible relationship between ADCs and histologic differentiation and microvascular invasion has been suggested (39)(40)(41)(42). However, in our study, neither histologic differentiation nor signal intensity or ADC on diffusion-weighted images was a significant predictor of early HCC recurrence.…”
Section: Gastrointestinal Imaging: Prediction Of Early Recurrence Ofsupporting
confidence: 56%
“…[8][9][10][11] There have been attempts to correlate DWI findings with the histological grading of HCCs using signal intensity (SI) and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values, but no consensus in the results was obtained. [12][13][14][15][16][17][18] To the best of our knowledge, the interplay between DWI and histopathological factors in a cohort of patients with exclusively small HCCs (,2 cm) has not been specifically investigated. The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether or not diffusion-weighted (DW) images and ADC could determine the histological grading of HCCs ,2 cm in diameter.…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…20,21 After this, few studies 23,24 were done to differentiate between benign and malignant hepatic lesions and also to differentiate between various grades of HCC. Nasu et al, 19 Piana et al, 15 and Saito et al 25 showed that there exists no relationship between ADC values and histopathological grades of HCC, whereas Heo et al 26 and Nishie et al 27 said that the ADC values of HCC had an inverse correlation with the degree of differentiation. In the present study, even though there was a decreasing trend of ADC values with increasing grade of tumor, however the decreasing trend was not statistically significant (P value of 0.118).…”
Section: Role Of Diffusion Weighted Imaging For Hepatocellular Carcinmentioning
confidence: 99%