The size-distance invariance hypothesis (SDIH) was examined for remembered and imaged stimuli. In Experiment 1, subjects gave remembered and imaged distances of familiar objects and imaged distance of nondescript rods. The relationship between stated size and distance is more adequately described by power functions with exponents less than 1 than by the more restricted SDIH (exponent of 1). In Experiment 2, subjects gave distance estimates to recalled and imaged familiar objects and described the visual context in which each object was situated. A different group then sorted the contexts into categories based on general similarity. There were no significant differences between distance estimates based on memory and those based on imagery, and the visual contexts were not sorted according to whether they were generated in the memory or in the imagery conditions. In Experiment 3, subjects estimated the distances to objects in an outdoor setting. A linear relationship was found between estimated and physical distance, suggesting that the lower exponents obtained in Experiments 1 and 2 were not artifacts of the distance judgment procedure.The authors thank Jarnshed Bharucha, Julian Hochberg, Margaret Jean Intons-Peterson, and two anonymous reviewers for helpful comments on an earlier draft of the manuscript. Correspondence should be addressed to John C. Baird, Department of Psychology, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755.The visual angle at overflow, cf> in Equation 1, is taken to be a constant for each subject and each class of stimuli. (Note that if Sand D are specified, this is a one-parameter model, and that in Equation lb the y-intercept of the function is zero.) The maximum size of the imaged visual angle is not constant, however, as shown by the wide range of values (13°to 50°) that Kosslyn (1978) obtained for different classes of objects. The SDIH appears to be satisfied, but different linear functions (slopes in Equation I) hold for different categories of objects. More importantly, the visual angle calculated along the best fitting function for a particular class does not remain constant when largerIn the course of examining the cognitive resources utilized in visual imagery, Kosslyn (1978) measured the maximum extent of the visual field used in visual imagery. He found a linear relationship between the stated size of a familiar object and the minimum distance at which the entire object could be portrayed in an image. This distance, the point at which an imaged object overflowed, was taken to delineate the maximum visual angle (boundaries) of the "mind's eye." Such a result suggests that the "imaged" relationship between known size and distance agrees with the size-distance invariance hypothesis (SDIH): for a fixed visual angle (cf», the ratio of perceived size (S) to perceived distance (D) of an object in real space is constant: tan e = SID D = S/tancf>.