Hawking radiation is a controversial quantum phenomenon of a black hole that is specially attributed to the existence of an event horizon of the black hole. In this paper, using Hamilton-Jacobi and Parikh-Wilczek methods based on the semiclassical and beyond semiclassical approximation, we proved that there is indeed thermal Hawking-like radiation for the apparent horizons of the cosmological black hole in the FLRW background in the framework of STVG. The explicit forms of the three apparent horizons of the cosmological black hole were obtained and plotted for more details. As de Sitter and FLRW cases, the corresponding Hawking-like temperature in our setup as a function of inverse powers of apparent horizon radius was found. Also, we compare the outcomes with Hawking-like radiation of the apparent horizon of the McVittie spacetime, which can be obtained by eliminating the STVG parameter of the enhanced gravitational constant in the setup. Also, beyond semiclassical approximation, extra terms are added to the Hawking-like temperature of the apparent horizon of the cosmological black hole in the STVG theory because of considering higher-order quantum effects. We found all the quantum corrections to the semiclassical Hawking-like temperature for the cosmological black hole in the STVG framework.