\ Vh e n s u bcooled fro m the m elt to any tempera t ure between abou t 90 t o lJ 0 °C, polybu te l1!'-l tra nsform s at a r eadily m eas ura ble rate to a cr ys talline phase de noted "form 2," wh ich is t yp ically sphe ruli t ic. The kinetics of this process have bee n m eas ured by op t ical and d ihtometric t ech ni ques . The r es ults are consistent w ith th e cOlleepts t h a t th e ini tia tion is het erogeneo us, that the in it iation is followed by spherical g row t h (Avrami n = 3), and that t he growth rate is nucleation controlled. Va lu es a rc ob ta in ed for t he s urface fr ee e nergi es and r elated qU:l nt it ies t hat ar c cons is tent with crystalli zation by cha in folding: (J = 7.2 er g/ cm 2 or 7.2 mJ/ m 2 , (J , = 15.5 er g/cm 2 or 15.5 mJ/ m2, a nd wor k of chain folding q= 1.7 X 10-13 ero-/fold. (For comparison, q is 2.1 X 10-13 e rg/fold for polyeth ylene.) The work of ch a in foldin g of polybu te ne-l is also compa red with t hat of polych lor ot rifluoroethy lene, and it is shown t ha t an in crease of q is conn ec Led with a n increase of equi librium me lt ing t cmperat ure. Crys ta l form 2 s ubseque ntly convcr ts s lowly n car room tempcrature to a cr ys t alline phase denoted " form 1" of diffcre nt hcli city a nd d ens ity, and Lh e ratc of t his crystal-crystal t ransform a t ion is also studi cd . The A vrami p ar a meter fo r t he form 2 form 1 process is n = 2. T he process a ppears t o be nucleaLion cont rolled. It is s hown t ha t form 1 is, everywhere below its melting point, t he stable form. The equili brium mel t ing temper ature for form 2 is es t im ated t o be a bou t 128°C, a nd for form 1 a bou t 141 °C . A deg ree of cr ys t allini ty scale bascd on sp cci fic volum e is establis hed. Th e degr ee of crystalli ni ty of form 2 is a bou t 52 per ce nt, a nd a fter convers ion t o form 1, th e crystaJl ini ty is a bout 77 p cr cen t .