C arbon (C) is the building block of life. Global photosynthesis generates approximately 100 terawatts (TW) of energy each year by converting solar radiation into stored chemical energy (Barber 2009). Photosynthesis also represents the largest global annual C flux, of ~125 petagrams (Pg; where 1 Pg equals 10 15 grams [g] and 1 Pg C is roughly equivalent to 0.47 parts per million [ppm] of CO 2), with the second greatest flux consisting of the subsequent release of CO 2 via respiration (~122 Pg C/year). Both of these fluxes are an order of magnitude greater than fossil-fuel emissions (Ballantyne et al. 2015). The atmospheric CO 2 that is fixed during photosynthesis is subsequently stored and transferred as chemical energy, which in turn fuels the metabolic reactions of most autotrophs and heterotrophs. Although C is the most common element in the terrestrial biosphere, representing approximately 50 parts per hundred (%) of all organic matter, CO 2 represents only a very small fraction of the atmosphere and is therefore measured in ppm (~415 ppm in 2020). Given the abundance of C in the terrestrial biosphere and the massive fluxes of C occurring between the biosphere and the atmosphere, it is no surprise that scientists have developed a myriad of innovative ways for measuring and simulating C-cycle processes across a range of scales in time and space. For example, chloroplast CO 2 fluxes are estimated over millimeters per second, whereas biome CO 2 fluxes may be estimated over thousands of kilometers per year. There have been many advances in C-cycle science over the past 60 years at leaf, plant, ecosystem, and global scales, but both challenges to and opportunities for scientific advancement remain. Progress is necessary, however, especially at the macrosystem scale, where human management and ecological processes are often at odds and create interesting interactions of C dynamics. One of the greatest impediments to accurate predictions of future climate is the uncertain response of the terrestrial C cycle to impending changes in temperature, precipitation, and atmospheric CO 2 concentrations (Friedlingstein et al. 2013). Even though land-surface models have become increasingly realistic in their mechanistic representation of C-cycle processes by including nutrient limitation (Thornton et al. 2007),