Abstract. The scintillation that is most disruptive to trans-ionospheric RF propagation occurs when an equatorial bubble intersects the maximum electron density of the equatorial anomaly. This paper reports the first systematic observational study of the important interrelation between bubble and the anomaly together with the maximum pre-reversal E x B drift velocity, and strong bottomside spread F (BSSF), which is a necessary condition for bubbles. An array of ionospheric sounders located near 75 ø W longitude measures latitudinal profiles of NmF2 at hourly intervals through 0o-40 ø dip latitude (DLAT) and 1800-0300 LT during a continuous period of 30 days at equinox and solar maximum. The anomaly is highly variable from day to day, but at 2100 LT, the time of its highest latitude, crest latitude and magnitude increase and decrease together, a relation that is linear above a threshold with coordinates of 38 x 105 el/cm 3 and 15.4 ø DLAT. This threshold is important also because it corresponds to the maximum drift velocity of 50 m/s, and because above it nearly all bubbles are observed, directly as macroscopic bubbles and indirectly as strong BSSF. The importance to C/NOFS and other satellites is that maximum E x B drift, crest NmF2 and crest DLAT are in apparent one-to-one correspondence above this threshold, so that measurement of any one of the three implies measurement of the other two. Furthermore, any such measurement that exceeds the threshold indicates that bubbles can occur, whereas one that falls below the threshold indicates that they cannot.