This chapter describes recent advances of the Colombian Neutron Activation Analysis Laboratory (CNAAL) within the framework of expansion of geoscientific and nuclear knowledge in Colombia. Having the necessary historical references as a pillar of the current developments, the authors initially describe technical facilities of the laboratory and then articulate in an integral way of the value chain of this singular scientific and technological installation of Colombia. Its different stages beginning with the preparation of the samples, its irradiation process by different systems, recent novelty of the development of an "automated system of positioning of samples for gamma spectrometry," analysis of gamma spectra to obtain concentration data of chemical elements, management of the radioactive waste generated, analytical quality control of the data obtained and finalizing in the use of this data to cover selected topics of knowledge in strategic sectors of our country's development like a sustainable exploitation of mineral and hydrocarbons resources, researches in environmental and forensic sciences, technical developments in nuclear sciences, all aimed at improving the quality of life of Colombian citizens.