The precise differentiation of renal cell tumours (RCTs) is sometimes hard to achieve using standard imaging and histopathological methods. This study investigated 43 cell renal cell car-cinomas (ccRCC), 15 papillary renal cell carcinomas (pRCC), 20 chromophobe renal cell carcino-mas (chRCC), and 18 renal oncocytomas (RO), stained with anti-mitochondria antibody (Thermo Scientific) by immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence, and assessed by electron micros-copy, in order to define mitochondria distribution pattern (coarse scanty, moderate granular and diffuse granular). Thus, the majority of males had coarse granular staining in the tumours, while females were almost equally distributed among groups (p=0.005). An average patient age, tumour side and dimension, and tumour stage were similar in all staining pattern groups. However, pathohistological tumour types had significantly different expression patterns, with the lower amount of staining detected in majority of ccRCC, moderate expression in all chRCC, and diffuse expression in all RO, pRCC and two cases of ccRCC (p<0.001) presented with higher nuclear grade (p=0.005). Moreover, with increased distribution of mitochondria, the intensity of staining was higher (p<0.001). Here we present a strategy that utilizes mitochondria detection to differentiate RO from chRCC, as well as to distinguish other frequent RCTs, such as ccRCC and pRCC.