An accreditation plan can improve an organizational facilities and services regarding patient care and provides quality improvement skills. In my case scenario, I conceptualized an idea about accreditation of private well-established health care setting. The Kurt Lewin's theory insights a framework of change at the accreditation level, which will be achieved by the application of the transformational leadership style. Transformational leadership style works as guider, motivator, collaborative and bind with sustain the change management mission. The accreditation requires an international standard of practices and high quality of patient care in an organization. The accreditation requirement is fulfilled in the context of organizational cultural and environmental values, beliefs and delivery of services. In the case scenario presented an idea by the reflection on its organizational change. The private health care organization had accreditation capabilities. All essential and standardized equipment and performing procedural guidelines and following protocols. Kurt Lewin's theory give directions to such these kind of organizations in the context of change at the level of accreditation.