Today, the use of 3D scanning methods is increasing in a wide range of industries from biomedical to game production. The photogrammetry method is in demand by 3D scanning users due to its portability, photorealistic textured modeling, and low cost. Scanned objects vary according to industries and can have various materials, geometries and textures. In order to better benefit from the advantages of the photogrammetry method, it is necessary to know the response of the method against different parameters. Unlike the studies in the literature, in this study, many objects with various geometries, different materials and textures were reconstructed and evaluated by using the same equipment and workflow in the same environment, and thus a fair evaluation was performed for various factors affecting the reconstruction process. In this context, 24 differently shaped objects with metal, fabric, plastic, wood, glass, ceramic and organic textures were reconstructed. A comprehensive evaluation was conducted on the solid and textured models generated from the objects. In addition to the effects of object geometry, texture properties, photo shooting angle and distance, it also sought answers to questions about factors affecting the accuracy and mesh quality of the 3D models. In this study, it is possible to find some recent specific results and validated general results together related to photogrammetric modeling.