One of the consequences of the growth of the world industry is the increased need for electricity. It is imperative for developed countries to use renewable sources, both due to the declining reserves of conventional fuels and the reduction of environmental pollution. The unstoppable growth in the use of alternative sources is more than evident in these countries, while less developed countries are trying to keep up with them. This paper analyzes the development of renewable energy sources in the Republic of Serbia and some surrounding countries and the USA, Germany, France, Japan, Australia, and the Netherlands in the previous decade. A comparative analysis of utilization trends in developed countries in the world is also given, as well as a brief overview of the development of devices used in the processes of the utilization of these energy sources.
Keywords Renewable energy • Electricity production • Solar energy • Wind energy 1 IntroductionThe increase in the industry's growth is directly related to the increase in the need for electricity [31]. Since the main energy sources are conventional, they have the largest share in obtaining electricity, with the increase in the use of conventional fuels, the negative impact on the environment also increases [26,33].