Oil-water relative permeability and capillary pressure are key inputs for multiphase reservoir simulations. These data are significantly impacted by the wettability state in the reservoir and by the pore space characteristics of the rock. However, in the laboratory, there are several challenges related to the validation and interpretation of the special core analysis (SCAL) measurements. They are mostly associated with the core preservation or restoration processes and resulting wettability states. To improve dynamic reservoir rock typing (DRRT) process, a new model, describing the change of wettability fraction with depth in mixed-wet reservoirs, is proposed. The proposed model is based on solid physics describing the interactions between the rock grain surfaces and the fluids filling the pore space. First, the model considers the oil migration from the source rock into the originally water-wet reservoir and the corresponding capillary pressure rise, as the height above the free water level (HAFWL) is progressively increased. Then, oil-wet and water-wet fractions are estimated for different static reservoir rock types (SRRT) and different HAFWL, based on the wettability change potential of the rock-fluid system and oil-water capillary pressure curves. Additionally, mixed-wet capillary pressure and relative permeability curves are estimated for both oil displacing water (drainage) and water displacing oil (imbibition) processes, based on the estimated mixed-wet fractions and single-wet curves. We discussed the model assumptions and its parameters’ uncertainties. We prepared a comprehensive sensitivity study on the impact of wettability variability with depth on oil recovery results. This study used a synthetic carbonate-reservoir simulation model, under waterflooding, by incorporating the concept of DRRT defined according to the different SRRT and estimated wettability fractions. The results showed a significant impact of wettability variability on oil in place and reserves estimates for waterflooding processes in typical complex, mixed-wet carbonate reservoirs, such as the ones found in the Brazilian Pre-Salt. We also discuss the potential impact of wettability change with depth on well logs like resistivity, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and dielectric logs. The proposed reservoir wettability model and its corresponding DRRT workflow is relatively simple and widely applicable, and may significantly improve reservoir simulation and wettability uncertainty analysis. It also explicitly identifies the required wettability parameters to be obtained from laboratory experiments and well logs. Finally, the proposed model may be integrated with special core analysis, well logs and digital-rock analysis.