“…During the plasma treatment, it is seen in the videos that few gases are released, which might be CO, CO 2 , H 2 , and K vapor, and steam generated through the reactions depicted in eqs – ,, are beneficial for creating porous structures. 6 KOH + 2 normalC → 2 normalK + 3 H 2 + 2 K 2 CO 3 K 2 CO 3 → K 2 normalO + CO 2 K 2 CO 3 + 2 normalC → 2 normalK + 3 CO K 2 normalO + normalC → 2 normalK + CO CO 2 + normalC → 2 CO Now, to identify the possible phases formed in the developed HP-NGC and NGC, X-ray diffraction (XRD) with a suitable background subtraction was analyzed (Figure a), where the XRD pattern of HP-NGC revealed two distinguishable broad diffraction peaks at approximately 2θ values of 24° ( d spacing of 0.37 nm) and 43° ( d spacing of 0.21 nm) corresponding to the (002) and (100) planes, respectively. , Similarly, the XRD pattern of NGC also shows two diffraction peaks, where one peak appears at around 2θ of 23° ( d spacing 0.39 nm) due to the (002) plane, and the other one is of low intensity appearing at ∼42.2° for the (100) plane. However, the comparatively higher intensity (100) peak of HP-NGC compared to NGC indicates that HP-NGC is more ordered than NGC. , Additionally, a few small peaks are also observed, which might have appeared due to the presence of an insignificant amount of residual ash in the developed NGC and HP-NGC from coffee grounds. ,…”