Abstract: Due to the current climatic conditions and concerns about the energy generation by renewable sources, wind energy becomes an alternative to meet the existing energy demand. This paper aims to analyze the most promising regions of the State of Rio de Janeiro for the implementation of wind farms for electricity generation. As an analysis tool, we intend to use the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), due to its practicality, to assist in the state’s wind power atlas regions evaluation, identifying generating farms installation feasibility based on logistical, technical and economic aspects. Three suitable regions for wind farms installation were evaluated according to the following criteria: potencial for generation, land cost, interconnection cost to the grid, implementing zones e terrain-landform logistics. It was found that, for the Serrana Region, it is indicated the installation of a wind farm that operates at 50 meters in height, because it only has enough potential for equipment with this height. In the Lakes Region, it is appropriate to use wind turbines of 75 meters in height, highlighting it as the most promising for this equipment height, besides having the best logistics capacity of the three regions. Because it has a greater potential area than the other, the North Region provides a greater total production, also taking into account its greater efficiency in the aerogenerators to 100 meters of height, considering this region as the most appropriate. It is worth highlighting that, in this region, there is potential for installation in all the heights presented, scrutinizing the results obtained.