This paper is focused on optimizing the cutting conditions for the surface roughness, inner-diameter error and roundness obtained in hard turning of an inner ring bore. The hard-turning experiments were conducted on hardened and tempered AISI 52100 bearing rings using the L9 orthogonal array on a CNC lathe. The cutting speed, feed rate and number of the machined part were selected as control factors. The optimum cutting conditions were determined using the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio. S/N ratios were calculated using the lower-the-better approach. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) was also employed to determine the level of the effect of the control factors for the surface roughness, inner-diameter error and roundness. The statistical analysis showed that the feed rate was the most significant factor for the surface roughness while the cutting speed was the most significant factor for the roundness and inner-diameter error. Finally, the optimum cutting conditions were further confirmed with confirmation tests. Keywords: diameter error, hard turning, roundness, surface roughness, Taguchi method lanek je osredinjen na optimiranje razmer pri rezanju glede na hrapavost povr{ine, napake notranjega premera in okroglosti pri trdem stru`enju notranjega roba izvrtine. Preizkusi trdega stru`enja so bili izvr{eni pri kaljenem in popu{~enem AISI 52100 obro~u le`aja z uporabo L9 ortogonalne matrike na CNC-stru`nici. Hitrost rezanja, hitrost podajanja in {tevilo obdelanih kosov so bili izbrani kot kontrolni faktorji. Optimalne razmere rezanja so bile izbrane z uporabo razmerja signal-hrup (S/N). S/N-razmerja so bila izra~unana s pribli`kom~im manj tem bolj{e. Analiza variance (ANOVA) je bila tudi uporabljena za dolo~itev vpliva kontrolnih faktorjev na hrapavost povr{ine, napak notranjega premera in okroglosti. Kon~no so bili optimalni parametri potrjeni s potrditvenimi preizkusi.