It is shown that to a large extent the isotopic and chemical analysis of gas mixtures can be performed using a time-of-flight mass spectrometer (mass reflectron), operating in a mode of synchronous detection to eliminate or substantially reduce the background current due to the beta decay of tritium nuclei. To this end, a mass reflectron with resolution ~600 at 10% height of the peak near 3-4 amu has been developed and built and is now under investigation. Such resolution makes it possible to calibrate instruments by using special gas mixtures, study the relations of the atomic, molecular, associated, and trimer peaks of hydrogen isotopes under different conditions, and on this basis to develop a method for calculating the composition of real fuel mixtures from the experimental mass spectra. The apparatus also permits determining the composition of impurities over a wide range of their concentration in the entire mass range to a high degree of accuracy.Continual chemical and isotopic analysis of a deuterium-tritium or a deuterium-helium mixture and the impurities present in such a mixture is necessary for developing thermonuclear reactors and, specifically, the ITER. The most universal, accurate, and reliable existing method for analyzing gas mixtures is mass spectrometry.As Fig. 1 shows, to separate completely the multiplets of ions with the same mass-to-charge ratio M/q the resolving power of a mass spectrometer must be approximately 3·10 3 . In this case, the doublet 3 He + -3 T + will not be resolved, since the resolving power required to do so is ~1.5·10 5 [1]. The impurities in a fuel mixture are protium, 4 He, oxygen, oxides of various elements, nitrogen and its derivatives, hydrocarbons, neon, argon, and others. Since the purity concentration can range from 10 -3 % to several percent, the sensitivity of mass spectrometers must also be high.The use of mass spectrometry for the analysis of gas mixtures containing radioactive tritium is complicated by the fact that the β electrons which are formed when the tritium nuclei on all surfaces in the detector zone decay can increase many-fold the background currents of the detecting systems, which include VÉU-1, -2, and -6 secondary-electron multipliers or multichannel plates [2]. The background current permits detecting only the main components of the gas mixture but not trace impurities. The detector in the MI-3305 static magnetic apparatus [3,4], specially developed for analyzing tritiumcontaining gas mixtures, and its modifications MI-1201 is a Faraday cylinder, which cannot detect trace impurities. In the