Pricing schemes were set up on multi service network of wireless internet pricing scheme to proposed models applying Bit Error Rate QoS attribute due to requirements for ISP to maximize revenue and provide high quality of service to end users.The model was deigned by improving the original model together with added parameters and variables to the model of multi-service network by setting the base price (α) and premium quality (β) as variables and parameters. LINGO 11.0 were applied to help finding the solution. The results show that the improved models yield maximum revenue for ISP by applying the improved model by setting up a variable α and β as constant as well as by increasing the cost of all the changes in QoS. The QoS attriute BER is proven to achieve the ISP's goal to maximize the revenue.
Copyright © 2018 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science.All rights reserved.
Corresponding Author:Fitri Maya Puspita Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Sriwijaya University, Jln. Raya Palembang-Prabumulih, KM 32 Inderalaya Ogan Ilir 30662 South Sumatera, Indonesia. Email:
INTRODUCTIONThe use of the internet by large segments of the community provides an important role in economic life. In this era of internet usage has reached the wireless internet. Economically, the use of wireless internet is cheaper than using a wired internet. This situation provides a great challenge for ISPs in arranging appropriate financing scheme and can provide maximum benefit ISPs and service users [1]. Many applications are developed by utilizing the wireless network, one of these are wireless sensor network applied in many application in wide area or technology [2] such as military or in agriculture [3], [4].Problem of internet pricing was introduced by [5] and followed by [6][7][8] in wired network both multi classes and multi service. Then the research continue on focusing the wireless network with the advancement of this era. Problem concerning with the wireless network is not only focus on the pricing schemes but many aspect can be reviewed and discussed. Scheduling and routing are one of the probles occurring in optimizing the wireless network [9] or using heuristics method described in [10].Recent research is already discussed by [11] that focused on pricing scheme on wireless of multi class QoS network where by applying some classes in single link network with the various QoS change and connection change. Their result can prove that by increasing connection cost and QoS change along with the cost change, can benefit providers by applying bit error rate (BER) QoS attribute. Based on the critical views of advancement of pricing strategy involving wireless network in multi service network, then it is important to have deeply discussion about that matter.So, in this paper, the financing schemes bottled single link formed by with bit error rate QoS attribute and the network model multi service proposed by [12], [13] to fix the basic price ( α) and premium (β) wi...